
e-mail alert

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box e-mail alert

  • Creator
  • #444381

      I know on some forum when someone reply’s to your new topic. The web site will automatically send you an email letting you know that someone has responded. If you can intergrate this into the site that would be a great asset to the page. Sometime’s you need a quick answer to your question, and when you get an automatic e-mail at time of response it can truely make the differents. If ETCG already has this option please let me know. Thanks again to Eric and his team, for all their great work!!!

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    • Author
    • #444382
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        Actually we have that now, just hit the ‘subscribe’ button on the top of any forum you want to know about and you should get email updates. Let me know if you don’t.

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