
Doesnt start when cold.

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  • #619737

      I have a 1991 Plymouth Sundance with a 2.5 liter TBI (no turbo). when its below 60 degrees it wont start and when its below 70 degrees its hard to start. it will fire right up when its above 70 degrees. there are no present trouble codes beside the speed control sensor which would not cause a cold starting issue. ive repaired all vacuum leaks as well. Anybody have any ideas? It would be Greatly appreciated

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    • #621969

        Actually 2 days later it started acting up again. it got REALLY cold. the fuel pump wouldnt turn on. the relay for the fuel pump was clicking over and over and the computer stopped storing codes. so i got to thinking…. on the old chrysler 2.5 the computer is at the beginning of the air intake so air runs through it. i had a spare one and changed it out. it turns out we were all wrong because it fired right up in a cold 49 degree morning after changing out that computer. It fixed everything. but i still greatly appreciate all the ideas you all gave me. the engine was flooding. not because of the injector but the computer instead. Thanks everyone

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