
distilled water in cooling system

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  • #641800
    Dan -AxelDan-Axel

      I need to change my antifreeze fluid in my saab 9-5 2002. Should I mix the concentrated antifreeze with distilled water, or is it alright to take “normal water” ?

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    • #641812
      Don HolgDon Holg

        Just to check, are you sure you have the right antifreeze? I used to own a Saab and I’m pretty sure they take the rare and expensive Zerex G-05 antifreeze.


          According to this thread –

          They say distilled water.

          No big deal. Distilled water is like a whole one dollar per gallon and available at any grocery store. I do not know where you live but distilled water is really cheap and easy to come by.

          Hey if distilled can be used to drink, mix with baby formula, and everything humans use water for, then yeah it is good enough for a machine. Distilled water tastes super clean. Do not be like me and drink 1/2 the gallon and have to go buy some more just to finish a job.

          Your car will enjoy it too 🙂

          Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

            How well tap water works in a vehicles cooling system depends on the water. Where I live the water is medium hard but also is corrosive. Back when radiators were copper and soldered together I’d have to have my radiator fixed every couple of years until I started using distilled water. BTW, this water is perfectly safe to drink and good tasting. So, with distilled water inexpensive, why chance it?


              I’ve always used distilled as it is very inexpensive, as mentioned.

              Hard water full of dissolved minerals will be bad for deposits.

              The other thing I don’t like about tap water is the chlorine, which is corrosive. Some communities highly chlorinate. All the fittings around a swimming pool are stainless, chromium plated brass, or plastic.


                When my Thermostat blew on me in 2013 i dumped some distilled flavoured bottled water in it ( i was limping it home and thats all i had) then when that ran out i went to the nearest creek filled up that bottle with creek water and dumped that in… When i got it home i went the next day and bought a new thermostat housing. Replaced it and added a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and tap water. The replaced thermostat failed 1 year later and just like 3 days after warranty not sure if the tap water did anything to that but when i replaced it again i got a bottle of 50/50 Coolant.

                Tap water in Alluminum rads don’t seem to hurt anything atleast it didnt for me.

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