
Differential Ring Gear Backlash

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  • #486806
    Shaun KissShaun Kiss

      Hi there I drive a 2003 Jeep TJ, 4.0 Litre, Six Cylinder. At some point this weekend or next weekend I was going to drain out the gear oil in both differentials and replace both axle seals in the front differential but before I can do the axle seals I need to measure the ring gear backlash, pinion bearing preload, and differential bearing preload because I may have to take the differential gears out of the differential case to get at both axle seals. To add more information on my vehicle, I have an open differential full time four wheel drive, a Dana 30 in the front and a Dana 35 in the rear.

      Now, my question is: How do I position the dial indicator to get the ring gear backlash, differential bearing preload, and pinion bearing preload? (I may not have to find the pinion bearing preload but I’m not sure really) If theres any diagrams or videos I can see it would be helpful. Like I said before, I need to do this because I am replacing both axle seals in the front differential and I may have to take all the differential gears out to get at them and I need to put them back in the same way.

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    • #486828
      college mancollege man

        to do the axle shaft don’t have to touch the pinion
        gear or seal.if its not leaking and its smooth.Don’t go there.

        see if these links help.

        Shaun KissShaun Kiss

          Two weeks ago I actually replaced the pinion seal in the front differential because I noticed a bit of gear oil weepage around the differential casing. That was enough for me to decide to replace it. I never even thought about checking for play in the pinion gear (shame on me I know) but that is a good lesson for me. Before I replaced the pinion seal I checked the level of gear oil in the front differential casing and the level of gear oil had barely been affected but the seal had to be replaced regardless.

          A couple of months ago I was replacing a U-Joint on the front drivers side, my vehicle has outboard U-Joints by the way. As I had the drivers side axle out on the workbench, I took a piece of thin metal and tryed to scrape out a bunch of dirt and crap from the differential tube because I noticed their was alot inside of there. I know for a fact I punctured the axle seal with the piece of metal because the next day I noticed some gear oil leakage from the side I replaced the U-Joint on so thats another mistake I made. Since I’m replacing one I might as well replace the other axle seal as well.

          So among all of this, I’m flushing the gear oil from the front differential and replacing both axle seals. I’m trying to figure out how to measure the ring gear backlash and differential bearing preload just incase I have to take the gear assembly out of the casing and to do that I need to know how to set up the dial indicator to take those measurements ( I have one with the magnetic armature assembly)

          college mancollege man

              If memory serves right, you have a dana30 front end. To do the axle seals, remove both axles, pull the diff cover, and remove the carrier(do not disassemble the carrier). Carefully pry our the left and right seals without damaging the housing. There is a special tool to install the left and right seals simultaneously. Without this tool you will have a very hard time putting the seals back in without damaging it. When you remove the carrier, make note of the left and right shims behind the cups so they go back in the correct spot otherwise the gear pattern and backlash will go out of wack.
              The backlash/gear pattern shouldn’t change if assembled back correctly.

              If you feel the need to check ring gear backlash, stick the magnetic base on the housing and the dial indicator perpendicular to the face of a ring gear tooth.

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                If I’m not mistaken there is also a crush sleeve on the pinion gear that needs to be replaced if you remove the pinion gear.

                As for backlash you might try this. After you remove the carrier and replace the seals and you’ve got it installed back in the housing paint the teeth on the ring gear and while it’s still wet rotate it around 360º. This will give you an idea of the tooth contact pattern between the ring and pinion gears. The contact point should fall in the middle of the tooth. If it’s too high or off to one side then you would look into adjusting the backlash, if it’s in the middle you should be fine.

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