
Decarbonizing Your Engine With Water

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  • #875582
    Dogger DaveDave

      Hey Eric,
      I was watching the video “Decarbonizing Your Engine With Water” and was wondering if you think it would be necessary on my 2013 Hyundai Veloster? I have 115,000km on it and heard that they are notorious for getting carboned up. I do however drive quite frequently on the highway as I live in a rural area in Northern Ontario, Canada. If you do think this would be beneficial to my engine, can you recommend a good place to add the water? I have the 1.6 litre N/A (non turbo).

      Thanks for all the amazing videos!

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    • Author
    • #875586
      James P GrossoJames P Grosso

        I think Hyundai recommends adding a fuel system cleaner to the fuel.
        I forgot the mileage intervals, but I think it was in the owners manual (for my wifes Kia Optima, and I think my daughters Hyundi Tuscon?)
        Water can be used, but you risk damaging (like completely destroying) the engine from hydro-lock if too much water is used.

        Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

          Not Eric but,
          Nominally twice a year.
          Have the engine at operating temperature.
          You can inject the water through the brake booster line.
          Keep the engine running around 1500 – 2000 rpm.
          Ensure you add small amounts so not to stall the engine or cause hydro lock.
          One item to make note:
          You may get a CEL code P030X(cylinder misfire) after the procedure.
          If you have a scan tool you can clear it or it will clear itself after all the water has cleared out of the cylinders.

          Dogger DaveDave

            Thanks I’ll give that a try in a few days. I kinda thought after I’d posted that someone other than Eric would answer. I believe there’s no throttle cable on the Veloster so i guess I’ll have to rig something up to the pedal. I had read a code for a purge valve the other day. Not sure if that will help that issue. I checked the valve and it seems to be working correctly. I don’t have a vacuum tester but I removed the valve and put power to it and it is opening and closing. Note: we’ve been having freezing and thawing here lately and the car seems to act up during those times. I also cleared the code today and the CEL has not come back on yet.

            Dogger DaveDave

              I did as you said this morning after coming home from work. I used about 1/3 of a quart of water which I poured in to the brake vacuum line. The car seemed way more responsive right after I finished. I took the car for a 10 min run around town. I think the valves are much quieter now too. :))

              No CEL either

              Thanks again

              Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

                Glad to hear it helped. 🙂

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