Okay this is coming from an ‘Merican citizen with an 11 MPG big block truck.
First off gas prices were never super high in America. This is actually the longest period of inflation in gas prices in American history. And honestly we just like to complain half the time.
Secondly American car makers had to develop the “fuel economy” cars from scratch. How many American four cylinders did you see before 1974? How many foreign cars did you see with four cylinders before 1974? My point.
Third Americans have always owned big ass cars. My mom had a 16 foot long Grand Marquis that actually got 22 miles to the gallon. My dad had a 20 some odd foot long truck that got 15 (on a good day with the biggest ass engine that came in the truck). It wasn’t until the mid 90’s when the cars got small.
Lastly diesel never caught on in America because of the connotations behind it. It was the greasy handle behind the truck stops. Some gas stations on the east don’t even carry diesel (here in the midwest and south there is just too much demand for the fuel).
The reason these cars from Italy can’t make it here are the safety regulations. The smart car would probably be equivalent ton one of your “average cars correct?” They only get around 35-40 if I recall correctly. Well why would I buy a smart car when I can get a V6 mustang with over 3 times the power with the same fuel economy? The safety regulations in America add a ton of weight. My longbed, heavy duty 3/4 ton was built in 73. It weighs as much as a current sedan does. So that should illustrate the weight well, and as we all know, weight lowers fuel economy.
I hope this helps somewhat of the understanding behind the American mindset. And we like to bitch anyways, so that might be a bit of the complaining.