
CV joints need replacing??

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      First off, THIS is an awsome fourm. I have tried several and this one has ’em all beat hands down! Now… I have a 98 Tracer w/2.0L & auto & 153K miles. I have another thread posted about it, but since this is a differant problem and a fairly generic problem accross brands, I thought I should start a new thread.

      Pretty simple…..I KNOW that if your CV joints are making nose when the wheels are turn hard left or right, it’s tiem to consider replacing them. Hwoever, mine make NO noise at all in a turn, but when I am traveling at a slow rate of speed in a stright line coming to a stop (forward or reverse), I occatonally hear them (at least I think thats what it is). It’s a click click click that slows as the wheel slows. I do notice it most frequently when I am applying the brakes (not hard). Thoughts and or comments would be much appreciated. : )

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    • #575937
      college mancollege man

        see if this link helps you. click on your symptoms.


          Thanks for the response…I had missed that section of the site. I did look at it…..still a bit in the dark. Hmmmm…I guess my question would be better stated as when CV joints go bad, do they always start making noise when the wheels are turned first or is it possible for them to start making noise at slow speed when traveling in a stright line first? I guess anything is possible and at 153K I don’t suppose it’s unresonable to expect them to be nearing the end of their service life. Anyway….I will continue to monitor them…again, thank you for taking the time and effort to respond! : )

          college mancollege man
            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

              Don’t assume it’s the CV joints. Given that vehicle sat for as long as it did, it’s more likely to be a brake issue. More info in the article that College man posted.

              Keep us posted on what you find.


                The car was actually put back in service last May when my middle daughter needed a ride for school. At that time I had front brakes put on it. I’ll check the link college man posted. Thanks for the help guys, it is appreciated……

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