
Catalytic converter

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  • #623615
    Ryan PoteetRyan Poteet

      Just wondering, with a known problem that my head gasket is broken or engine is warped since there’s oil going into the 2 cylinders 2 & 3, which are right next to each other, that when replaced my check engine light will turn off for a code that says my catalytic converter is working below threshold. Could I assume that it will turn off or will I have to get a new catalytic? Or it could go either way due to the length it has been in this condition?

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    • #623617

        I would say it could go either way. Once the engine is operating normally the converter could burn off the oil deposits, clean itself and begin to work as intended. The converter could also be so compromised that it will never recover.

        Ryan PoteetRyan Poteet

          That makes sense, thank you. It’s hard getting used to not having a parts store in the entire country like autozone or something like that. I have to buy everything online out here and hope it fits.

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