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  • #481904
    Michele PensottiMichele Pensotti

      Hi again dear Eric, this evening (it’s evening here!) , while eating my favorite nachos and drinking my favorite beer I was thinking…

      What the heck? Eric seems to have never done a video on repairing/cleaning a car’s carburettor!


      I’d be very very happy to see a carburettor disassembled from the car and maybe, I say maybe, taken apart to , for example, replace its gaskets.
      Or also a simple starter regulation, just in case the car refuses to start (just like in one of your videos, the one about your brother visiting).

      I know not many cars with a carburettor pass by your shop these days, but…hey, I thought it was a nice idea to put on the table 🙂

      Stay dirty my friend B)

      Live long and prosper


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    • #482018
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        Check below. This has been asked about a few times and I’ll say again what I said to them. I don’t see carburetors hardly ever anymore but should one show up at the shop I’d be happy to make a video. Personally I really like working on carburetors, I enjoy that work more than replacing parts like you often do with fuel injected vehicles. The ‘tweaking’ has gone out of mechanics and it makes me sad sometimes.

        Michele PensottiMichele Pensotti

          Thank you Eric!

          I agree, the tweaking, which I love doing, is sadly going out of todays mechanic’s knowledge baggage.
          And as for the part swapping thing, I think that by educating people to only look at the OBD code and then starting to swap parts, not only is very much more costly (and profitable for car makers! 👿 ) , but it does not educate repair people to really understand WHY the problem manifested itself in the first place.

          If instead one takes apart the broke part (if it is a broken part the problem) and tries to undestand why it did break, he’ll begin to do that “investigative” thinking that really REALLY helps to understand how things work (and break), and, finally, to repair them for good.

          Anyway excuse me if I asked an already asked question!

          And when and if you do that video, well you can bet on it that I’ll be there to watch it and comment on it! 🙂

          Take care and Stay Dirty! 😉


          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            I’m aware of what you mentioned that’s why I try and put out videos that are also strictly educational as well as straight repair videos. My philosophy is give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for life. That said I do plan to make more ‘educational’ videos explaining how stuff works to make diagnostics more clear.

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