
Car in “LIMP MODE”

  • Creator
  • #837509
    Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

      I have a 1993, 3.5L, 6-cyl. Dodge Intrepid. Lately, it won’t shift from 2nd to 3rd gear. At instances that it does shift to 3rd gear, it stays on 3rd gear but the car is limited to 40 – 45 mph speed.
      I have a full correct level of transmission fluid (though I have not replaced the fluid for a time, save for some occasional topping off every now and then) and the car runs superbly well before all these happened.
      Based on blogs I have read, it says my car is in “limp mode” trying to protect the transmission from any potential damage. Some even say that the input and output speed sensors may be at fault but the odometer is working just fine.
      Also, yesterday the temperature rose just a wee bit above the middle of the gauge (perhaps because the car was running at only 45 mph on 3rd gear)
      What could be wrong with my car ?
      Looking forward to your expert advise.



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    • Author
    • #837522

        Limp in mode is a sure sign of the computer trying to not murder the car. Being that it’s an early 90’s Dodge product, assuming that the CEL isn’t on, it is likely the transmission. It could seriously just be a sensor that’s packed it in or some other electrical issue. Which actually might be likely given the age. As one would assume after 22 years if it was going to fail mechanically it would have already, at least once.

        The only way to find out would be to find a scanner that has whatever interface/connector Dodge used in 1993 and the applicable software to see what the transmission CPU is saying is going on.

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