
Car dies after high rpm rev

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Car dies after high rpm rev

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      My car (2000 s2000) has been running fine when driven at low rpm. (Its my DD for university so I have to drive boring alot) The problem is, when I run it through the whole rmp range it will run fine with no hesitation or shutter etc but; when I push the clutch in it dies. The rpms fall just like normal but it doesn’t stop at idle it just drops to zero. After it dies it will not start. After about 20 minutes it will start but might die, and after a start or two it runs just fine as long as I keep it in low rpm. I have a good battery, fuel is good, ran injector cleaner the tank before it and try to keep those clean always, theres no leaking fluids, the engine never over heated or redlined, no bad sounds or anything. Its just like it got tired and went to sleep.

      This is not something I have encountered before. I took it to check the battery and the guy at Autozone (fountain of all knowledge I know) Said he heard a small sucking sound when I shut off the engine. His thought was that I had a small crack in a vacuum hose and was causing my fuel to not return to the tank when I depressed the clutch and with a hard run this killed the engine. This would end up causing the same issues as a flooded carb, dead engine and wont start till it drys out a little. Again this is nothing I have ever heard of for fuel injection before so as of right now its as good a theory as any.

      I could really use some help here guys.

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    • #512253
      college mancollege man

          I’ll check the play in the crank, God willing its not that. But the two problems, while similar, are not the same. Mine doesn’t die at idle it runs and idles just fine. The problem is the drop to idle from high RPM.

          Michele PensottiMichele Pensotti

            Hi! 🙂

            It sounds to me you have a problem with your fuel pump; my good old Citroen AX started dying right after an overtake, at first it after the overtakes it only stuttered and I had to go very slow, then it recovered.
            This only happened when I floored the gas pedal.

            But as the time passed it really started to die on me and it didn’t start again, at least for some minutes.

            Then one day it did not start anymore, and I had to call a mechanic.
            It was the fuel pump that had died out and at first did maintain enough flow to go normal, but when I floored it did not keep up and the carb reservoir did empty and the car did not start until it had had time to fill up again.

            So, even if your car is a fuel injection type, I’d try and test the fuel pump to see if it has enough flow; also check if you don’t have a clogged fuel filter, maybe it’s just that.

            I remember more than one Eric’s video covering this topic(s).

            Here are some for you

            Check for fuel pressure

            Diagnose fuel pump failure

            Ford taurus fuel pump replacement

            Subaru engine performance issues

            Hope you find and resolve your issue!

            Live long and prosper (and stay dirty!)



              Hey guys so I have not been able to hunt down the leak. I am thinking it has to do with the return vacuum line for the fuel return so I’m not sure how I would check for a leak there since it wouldnt go to the intake. Any advice?

              Also, I found out my alternator is on its way out. Is there any reason this might be causing the engine to die after a hard run? I don’t know why it would but just a shot in the dark.

              I have noticed that my rpms are lower than normal while idling these days. This may have been the case for longer than I noticed but since I am looking for tells I could have just now started to pay any mind to it

              steven jacobsensteven jacobsen

                Have you had the throttle body cleaned? It can cause the stall from higher RPM but not the “no start” afterward. When it doesn’t start after do you mean it cranks and won’t fire up? or won’t crank over?


                  [quote=”snshd” post=55532]Have you had the throttle body cleaned? It can cause the stall from higher RPM but not the “no start” afterward. When it doesn’t start after do you mean it cranks and won’t fire up? or won’t crank over?[/quote]

                  I’ve not cleaned the TB in a good while I could pull it and also clean the intake manifold.

                  When I try and crank is it will crank but not fire. So nothing is seized or anything like that

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