
Can’t remove computer

  • Creator
  • #609771
    shadetree 59shadetree 59

      I have a 1988 ford motorhome which has been diagnosed with a bad computer. I found it under the heater core, removed the bolt and clip that secures it. I was told it wiggles out of it’s home there with numerous pin connectors holding it in. I am having trouble getting that darn thing out. I am afraid to move it too far each way because I am concerned about bending the pin connectors. Is there something else that has to be disconnected or am I just chicken.


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    • Author
    • #609775
      John HugonJohn Hugon

        The Ford EEC has a bolt that holds the connector into the module.

        shadetree 59shadetree 59

          I took the bolt out and the plastic clip. Is there another bolt? I can’t see any from the cab side. I may be having a senior moment?


          John HugonJohn Hugon

            No just one bolt;center of male EEC connector…Ford’s connectors fit tight…make sure the bolt is all the way out.

            shadetree 59shadetree 59

              As I am looking at the silver computer I can’t see the connector. The connector side appears to be flat against the firewall with a rubber boot around it. How do I get a shot at it with the socket?


              John HugonJohn Hugon

                Is the motorhome a Ford E body?

                John HugonJohn Hugon

                  I have to shut my PC down… a bad storm is coming through…the ECM on a E body cut- away Ford bolts to the fire wall from the engine compartment side…..10 MM bolt heads..Hope this helps

                  shadetree 59shadetree 59

                    That makes sense. I will try that in the am. as it is stored a few miles away. Thanks again.


                    John HugonJohn Hugon

                      Some of the motorhome factories alter things, so hopefully yours is like an E body Ford. If you have any problems hopefully I can help.

                      I found this in the internet

                      shadetree 59shadetree 59

                        I found the 10 mm bolt on engine side and sure came out easily then. Thanks. The number on computer is e7tfbv1b hv1 Autozone and O’Reiley’s have e7tfbva. Is this a compatible part number. I understand there are a lot of computers put in the same model year. Does anyone have a supplier that they could recommend to me. Thanks.


                        shadetree 59shadetree 59

                          Thanks to thirdgear. The video really helped.

                          John HugonJohn Hugon

                            I’m retired now and don’t have access to the Ford service manuals and ect.for numbers. I’m told by friends in the aftermarket area there are companies that sell pre program ECU modules for vehicles. Hopefully someone on the forum will know about one of those companies…..wish I could help more…


                              A lot of these older ford ECUs had leaky capacitors. In the past I’ve soldered in new capacitors and fixed them but if you don’t know what you’re doing it’s not something the novice could really expect to do on their first attempt at soldering.

                              There’s a few repair/rebuild services online where you can mail the module to them, they fix it and ship it back. They seem to run $180-200. Not sure if that’s more economical than the replacements you found at the local chains.

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