
Can’t bleed brakes

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  • #488027

      I have a 1993 Acura legend. I changed both front calipers and mc. After bench bleeding the mc and bleeding the rr, lr and then when I tried to bleed the fr very little fluid would come out the bleed screw. I then bench bleed the mc and tried to bleed the fr again and could not get any fluid to move out the bleed screw. I have tried two mc and still the pedal goes to the floor. Any recommendation? Could I have something wrong with the abs?

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    • #488039
      college mancollege man

        start with the LF.then RF Open the bleeder all the way and see if it
        gravity could also crack the line at the caliper and
        gravity it that way or pump it to get the fluid moving.The calipers
        are empty from being new.


          I tried to use a vacuum pump but still no fluid. I also disconnected the line from the caliper to see if fluid would move still nothing.


            Keep going back toward the MC till you get flow. I have had the rubber lines between the frame and wheel cylinder scale on the inside and prevent fluid flow.

            John B KobberstadJohn B Kobberstad

              Your flex brake lines to the caliper may be swollen inside and not allowing the fluid the proper flow it needs. Remove them from the steel lines and see how the fluid flows. If there is good flow from the steel line when they are removed, replace the flex line. If you have ABS you may need a good scanner to help you do the bleed.


                I will check the flex lines tomorrow. Could there be anything wrong with an abs seleniod


                  Happen to my car not too long ago. It was my flex lines


                    I disconnected the flex line from the solid line and still no real fluid movement so I bought a new mc instead of a ref. Bleeding was better but the pedal would still go down to the floor. So I test drove very cautiously with my hand on the emergency brake. The car would stop but not right away. I than pulled the two fuses for the abs and test drove again. Now I had brakes that worked but without abs. I bleed the brakes again and this time it bleed normally. After good brake bleeding I reinstalled the abs fuses and preformed two and quick stops described in your video and now I have working brakes with a solid brake

                    college mancollege man

                      Glad you got your brakes back.Thanks for the update.

                      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                        Honda brake bleeding procedure is actually LF, RR, RF, LR. In addition this video might be helpful.

                        I’ll also add that I’ve had experience with some aftermarket parts that just don’t work on Hondas. It may be the parts you’re using.

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