Honestly, I wouldn’t buy on eBay. A lot of fake replicas are out there, unless the store is reputable then perhaps. EXEDY/Daikin specifically mentions this in some of their literature regarding imitations of their own OE replacement products._x000D_
A clutch
Look at you guys, awesome people. Thanks again for taking the time. The clutch has some noise similar to Eric’s brother which he explains on the how to replace clutch video.
Nice, take your time. IF you need help lining it up. EXEDY/Daikin has instructions on their site in literature, at the very end regarding installing their clutch. Basically, it’s the same for you so why not if you need a guide? It’s VERY thorough._x000D_
That’s a very common problem with those clutches, in fact it’s the same thing that happened to my brothers’ clutch in the Clutch video I have for sale on this site.
It can be tricky to move that trans, that’s the reason I recommend removing the axle, if you need to wrestle it up in there you have the chance of damaging the axle seal, if the axle is out of the way you minimize that risk.