
Black Box In Cars

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      Recently i read an article about black boxes in cars. It said that 90% of car today have them installed but a new law could make them standard in all cars.What are your opinions on this possible new law?

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    • #483015

        I don’t have one. Most cars already have them and most of the data is illegal for technicians to access and therefore it is of no use to me.

        Jason Alexmckrishes

          Sounds like big brother is watching your every move.


            It only gets worse. I saw an article about what is proposed for OBD-3 and one of the things they are talking about is to have the vehicle actually report any emissions related failure immediately.


              i like black box. (if you know what i mean) banana:


                OBD-3 could be of benefit for techs but the emissions problem thing is ridiculous. Its as if smog tests today aren’t bad enough. The Government just wants more and more money.

                Steffen NyegaardSteffen Nyegaard

                  Is this in American cars? Similar to on-star? Or is it a GPS box and who does it communicate with and over which protocol?

                  We have it in Europe where some insurance companies try to get you a tracker with the benefit of cheaper insurance, however as they can void almost anything due to being slightly over the limit, no one uses them.


                    I think that is a family website, so I’ll try to keep this “PG”, even though I normally refuse to censor myself.

                    -You mean women, not box. Gross.

                    I remember this topic coming up in class. I think that what the OP refers to here is like the airplane black boxes. All of the plane’s data goes through them, but they only record data that isn’t in the flight plan/program, such as when the plane falls out of the sky into a river.
                    Only difference here is we’re talking about putting the same thing into a car.

                    As for the OBDIII that is mentioned here: It is my understanding that the Technology has been ready to roll for a while, however, the right to privacy is holding it back b/c OBDIII will report you if you’re late on an oil change.

                    I had a GPS for a while, but tossed it out the window one day after me and my buddy decided that “you just can’t be sure that that little thing isn’t reporting us for doing 94mph in a 60 zone….”
                    It is my understanding that OBDIII will have police tools as well as Diagnostics.

                    Let us not forget (more importantly, let the Manufacturers and the Gov’t not forget) that On-Board Diagnostics were originally invented to make the Technician’s job possible. Not just easier, but possible. OBD should not be used to report a damn thing to anyone.

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