
Best Choices for a Magnum Ignition Tune-up

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Best Choices for a Magnum Ignition Tune-up

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  • #568824

      It’s time for a tune-up on this 120.000 mile engine.

      Before we get to it I just want to ask you which coil/wires/spark plugs and distributor cap would give the most bang for the buck on the Magnum engines?

      Given the fact that you don’t change these every day I would go for something better than cheaper.

      I’ve heard that MSD coils would give the strongest spark along with brass-contacts distributor cap but I would rather learn from fellow-vanners experience before putting the money into such a tune-up. So what do you recommend for a good coil – dist. cap – wires – spark plugs tune-up?

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    • Author
    • #568935
      college mancollege man

        The OE stuff did a pretty good job.


          What year and engine is the Magnum.


            ’96 3.9L V6 Magnum

            Performance is getting sluggish by the day so I’m ready to start with a general tune-up and see where that goes – most of the original ignition components seem untouched on this engine…

            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

              You may not see much if any performance gain from installing expensive ignition parts. A tune up is a great place to start if you’re having performance issues, but you don’t need to go overboard on the parts you use. Quality parts are all that’s normally required. There may also be other contributing factors to the issues you’re having. You might find the information in this article useful as well.


              Keep us posted on your progress.


                Solved the problem – we found a scuffed spark plug wire and decided it’s time for a tune-up.

                Changed the spark plug wires, plugs, dist. cap and rotor and now the usual performance is back.

                We also have a MSD coil on the way since the old coil is the only thing left to change for a complete tune-up. Will let you know if there’s any improvement after that.

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