
Beginner Questions

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  • #477167

      Hello everyone, I have always liked cars but never learned a whole lot about them. My father passed away when I was young and I never got learn about them from him. Anyways, some of my friends are “gear heads” and talk about things that I never understood such as motor sizes from hot rods. Like big block 4xx or small block 3xx, things like that. Also things about camshafts/crankshafts etc. I was wondering if you had any knowledge of books or anything I could look into buying to help me? Even better would be some free resources to learn all about cars. Obviously a site like this will be very beneficial, but I was hoping to find other resources along with ETCG videos to help me out.

      I want to learn about all of this and be able to participate in discussions. I would ask my friends but I dont think they would be too helpful as they would expect me to know things already. Any information or suggestions would be great. I have looked on Amazon and such but don’t know exactly what to look for subject wise. Hopefully I can find a cheaper book or something. Thanks

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    • Author
    • #477250

        I’ll post a link explaining how a car engine works. Then anything else you want to learn about cars you can just type it in the search bar on that website.

        Also, …EricTheCarGuy! I’ll post his own video on how a car engine works. He has many other videos on how numerous automobile components work– and how they can be repaired of course.

        Jason Alexmckrishes

          You could take a class at your local college or spend time with your gear head friends helping them fix there stuff and learning at the same time. You can also go to your local library and find some good books to read and best of all it’s free.

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