
Bad Lower Control Arm Bushing on G8

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Bad Lower Control Arm Bushing on G8

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  • #444254

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    • #444255

        I haven’t replaced the LCAs on a G8 before, but I have recommended them for replacement several times due to ball joint wear. The customers always declined the work. That said, the arms didn’t look too terribly hateful to replace. I’d recommend replacing them in pairs, but that’s just my opinion. Here’s how I’d do it.

        Support the car on jack stands and remove the front wheels. Remove the nut holding the ball joint in the knuckle and then bash the knuckle with a hammer right where the ball joint goes through it. Once the ball joint is loose, pull it out of the knuckle and move the knuckle out of the way. Remove the bolt at the other end of the LCA and then pull the arm out of the subframe. Installation is reverse of removal.


          We also have a link to Chilton’s online that may show you how to complete the job and give you some more insight. Just use the search function for the link.


            Also make sure to get an alignment done after you do any type of suspension work like this. Good luck man.

            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

              Those instructions seem pretty straightforward, I’d also recommend you get the alignment checked when you’re done but if your tires are old then wait till after you get new tires as replacing ball joints often puts the alignment back where it should be, you don’t often see adjustable camber or caster on modern vehicles (which is what would normally be effected by a bad ball joint) but if an alignment was done with the loose part it would be off and should be readjusted.

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