
Automotive tropes that drive you crazy

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  • #558938
    Kevin CriswellKevin Criswell

      I thought it would be fun to discus movie tropes involving cars or the auto industry that drive you crazy.

      The first one that gets me is in movies the repair technician is always either the dumbest guy in town or morbidly obese.

      The second one is when a character races a car in reverse.

      BTW sorry about this being in the wrong place on the forum. If a mod could I would appreciate it being moved to general discussion, thank you.

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    • #559004

        Here are some tropes I hate:
        1. If a guy drives a large truck, even if it’s necessary for work, he’s compensating for something.

        2. Everyone who drives a modded Japanese make is a ricer.

        3. Mechanics are often portrayed as being either stupid or cynical.

        4. Nitrous can magically turn a minivan into a Ferrari.

        5. When tires pop, they always spontaneously burst and disappear into the ether.
        They never slowly wear down.

        6. Only rednecks drive pickups.

        I think I’ve nailed some of the most egregious ones.

        Kevin CriswellKevin Criswell

          One bullet to the underside of a vehicle and KER-BAMMMM instant explosion.

          Another one that bugs me, cars can withstand multiple high speed collisions with only cosmetic damage.

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