
Anyone Watch Futurama?

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  • Creator
  • #542745
    Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

      Anyone here into Futurama?

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    • Author
    • #542746
      Scott HancockScott Hancock

        I am, Sad that they ended the series.

        Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

          yup i am too and if you want to know the song they played at the end with Fry and Lelia walking the earth alone its Chopin: 12 Études, Op. 10 – 03. #3 In E, “Tristesse”, Tristesse is translated to sadness and/or farewell. The name of the song was not giving by Chopin but by others and he believed it to be the most beautiful song out of the 12 Etudes.

          [video type=youtube]EmQBFLJAIcY[/video]

          Scott HancockScott Hancock

            What was you favorite episode? Mine was Saturday fun pit LOL

            Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

              lol i would not say I have a favorite, there is a lot of things in them that relate to today’s society and lots of little treasures and double meanings!

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