
Anyone Know anything about clutch pilot bearings?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Anyone Know anything about clutch pilot bearings?

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  • #563100

    No, not a throw out bearing, a pilot bearing! doing the clutch and rear main seal on my 94 Toyota pickup,22re due to some “chattering” while engaging the clutch in 1st gear. took out the transmission tonight and found that there is NO pilot bearing AT ALL. I guess whoever did it before didn’t put it in there. I know the bearing is to make up for the difference in speed between the crank and the trans so im thinking not having it is possibly causing some chatter. or its the rear main leaking all over the clutch. BUT IM NOT SEEING OIL ON THE CLUTCH PLATE? so what do you guys think, no pilot bearing? invisible oil on the clutch plate? a combination of both? let me know, thanks :side:

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  • Author
  • #563116

      Several things can make a clutch chatter from oil on it to weak engine mounts. Some vehicles don’t have a pilot bushing from the factory. I would check with the dealer to see if they list one for your truck. If they do it would be a wise idea to install it with a new clutch. It might also be a good idea to have the flywheel machined as well as repairing the oil leak.

      Roy FrenchRoy French

        Hello Alex. Someone may have left out the pilot bushing/bearing because of poor bell housing to crankshaft alignment. You can check the alignment with an indicator if the bell housing is removable from the transmission. Many bell housings are quite far out. If the pilot surface is worn on the transmission input shaft, you have misalignment. The Toyota trucks I’ve seen do have pilot bearings.

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          Honestly, I don’t think it has one. Not all vehicles do. As suggested I would check with the dealer to see if one was installed to begin with. If you plan on installing one, make sure it fits on the input shaft before you install it. If not, you’ll be fighting all day to get the transmission in.

          As for the ‘chatter’ problem there are many other causes of that as pointed out. Keep us posted.


          hey guys! thanks for the replies. turns out there in fact is a pilot bearing. got a new clutch kit and pilot bearing. fixed the groove on the crankshaft with a crankshaft repair sleeve. put the new rear main on. put the flywheel on and new clutch. got the pilot bearing in nicely. put the truck back together and its driving great. no chattering yet. keeping my fingers crossed. thanks guys


            Sounds like you have everything under control. GOOD JOB!

            college mancollege man

              Glad to hear its working out. Thanks for the update.

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