It should be a computer controlled carb…
As such, most carbs are sealed so that people (the most common problem) do not mess with them (think 3 mile Island, think Air France flight 447)….
99.9% of the time, the problem is not in the idle screws… It is somewhere else…
What you can do to fix the problem is find out how the screws “should” be adjusted from a dealer or professional… Most likely now they will have to be screwed in all the way and backed out a certain amount of times…
Hence if anyone is ever so inclined to make carb adjustments, they should always back them in and count them… remember the number of turns, and then remember them and adjust off that…
I have fixed many problems when people have tried to fix their own carbs by just messing with the screws… 99% of the time it was not the problem and I appreciated their honesty when they told me they F#@#!ed with the screws…. At least I knew I had to fix that too.
I always asked them “do you know what adjusting that screw does?”….. The answer was always the same… a stunned dumb look on their face with no reply….
Tell us about the base problem before you made carburetor adjustments…