
A possible timing belt job?

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  • #507098

      I just changed the timing belt on my 2000 Honda Accord Tuesday 3/12. I brought the timing belt kit from online (here is the site) and took it to a local mechanic to get it done. Along with the kit, I replaced my sparkplugs and changed the oil as well. After driving Tuesday and today, I’ve noticed a big difference in my engine.
      1. The engine sounds different. When it’s idling, it sounds like something is being turned by force or the belt is too tight.
      2. When doing a warm start, I feel what’s like a thump when the engine cranks.
      3. When doing a cold/cool start, there is a slight squeal and when I mean slight, it lasts less than a second.
      I’m wondering if it’s possible that the mechanic did a bad job and should I take it to someone else to get it corrected?

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    • Author
    • #507159
      college mancollege man

        bring it back to the mechanic and voice your concerns
        and see what he says. He may have a reasonable answer.

        david maciasdavid macias

          I agree. Take it back to the mechanic. It maybe nothing. Or simple adjustment of accessory belts. The fact that it runs means the timing belt was installed correctly.


            As already stated; take it back to the same mechanic.

            He’ll make the proper adjustments if he’s competent. Another mechanic will probably charge you to look at it.

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