
98 Honda Accord AC Whining

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 98 Honda Accord AC Whining

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  • #442069

      A friend of mine asked me a question about her AC that I could not answer. She says the AC in her 98 Accord will blow cold all day long but after a few minutes of running the system the output temp rises. Still cool but not as cold as it should be in the South Texas heat. Also, when the output temp changes we hear a whining noise. I suggested the ORIFICE tube filter or expansion valve, which ever it has, may be clogged. Everything else in the system appeared to be functioning properly, even the pressures were accurate. Any ideas on this?

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    • Author
    • #442070

        Have you checked the cabin filter lately ? Possible low air flow perhaps ? Is the whining noise coming from under the hood or in the area behind the glove box where the evap. coil and blower are located ?

        college mancollege man

          can you post a video of the noise?

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            AC work is really not for the DIY especially in a situation like yours as it probably involves checking the pressures to verify system operation and from there it could be anything but you don’t just throw parts at an AC problem it’s really not practical.

            That said I would start by checking the cooling fan operation as if one or both of the cooling fans are not working when the AC is on this could be the cause of the problem and that would be a relatively easy fix.

            John B KobberstadJohn B Kobberstad

              Could it be the compressor clutch (bearing) making the noise? Does the noise go off when the A/C is turned off?

              Adam JuarezAdam Juarez

                I know this is an old topi, but did anyone ever find out what was making the whining noise? My son’s 1997 Honda Civic EX is making a whining noise when the A/C is on and it is coming from behind the glove box.
                I’m thinking it might be the expansion valve restricting the refrigerant, but don’t know for sure. All of the A/C components were replaced before this happened minus the A/C refrigerant lines. I wonder if a flush was ever done on the vehicle. Do expansion valves typically make a whining noise when they are starting to fail?
                Any help will be appreciated.


                college mancollege man

                  You could have a partial restriction into the inlet of the valve if junk from an old compressor
                  let go. You may here flow but they usually don’t make a whining.

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