
95 Honda Del Sol VTEC engine issues.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 95 Honda Del Sol VTEC engine issues.

  • Creator
  • #839017
    Kyle PoindexterKyle Poindexter

      95 Honda Del Sol VTEC engine has air or exhaust gases pushing out of valve cover cap and oil dipstick tube. Car had it’s water pump and timing belt, replaced recently. I changed the oil today. The oil was brown and smelled of fuel and oil seemed to be thin when drained. I have no smoke coming out of the exhaust, such as white or black smoke. When vehicle comes off of high idle RPM drops from 1000 to 500 RPM and then idles rough. My question is, could the timing be out enough to cause the engine to pressurize but still run. I’m also looking at the EGR valve and PCV. Just looking for any ideas or direction to go in. Thanks Kyle

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    • Author
    • #839019
      Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

        If you have gas in the oil there is really one one way it gets there and that is through the pistons. There is no EGR on this car as well only a pcv. Also brown oil might be an indication of the headgasket failed seeing that antifreeze has contaminated the oil. Eric has made several videos about this you might want to check them out.


          This sounds like classic blow-by caused by worn cylinder bores and piston rings, or several broken rings. Essentially, combustion is leaking past the rings and pressurizing the crankcase.

          If blow-by isn’t the culprit, then you’ve either melted a hole through a piston crown through pre-ignition, or you’ve punched a hole through a piston crown through detonation. Those two scenarios are somewhat unlikely, though, if you didn’t notice a large amount of metal flakes/globules in your drained oil.

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