
93′ Honda Accord CB7 Weird Over Heating.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 93′ Honda Accord CB7 Weird Over Heating.

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  • #494309

      Hi There,
      I’m currently loosing my mind over my 93′ accord, it has a overheating issue which i cannot seem to figure out. It has a new radiator & cap, water pump, hose kit, 2x thermostats, 2 fan sensors and AC Re-gas and service, also the fans have been checked and working(taken out and tested). I have done all of this and still cannot work out the issue, the fans seem to be half the cause. On slow moving traffic (car park, grid lock, busy streets,etc) only 1 fan will kick in causing it to overheat. Now on this accord its a 2 stage fan setup, and for some reason the second fan fails to engage sometimes. And the odd thing is that the 1 fan that comes on swap sides its not just 1 that is doing it both do it(sometimes left is on sometimes right when it is overheating, when both should come on). I have also noticed that it is running allot hotter than it should sometimes as well(to a point where i cant touch top or bottom rad hose), sometimes both fans will come on and it will still get extremely hot like a flow issue… the cooling system has been flushed at least 3 times so i have no clue. Any insight would be very helpful :).

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    • Author
    • #494312

        One thing that comes to mind is, if the cooling system was bled.


          Haha of course first thing i do once i button up a cooling system 😀

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            The first step with ANY cooling system issue especially on a Honda is to bleed the cooling system. Make sure you follow the procedure in the video to the letter in order to make sure all the air is purged. You don’t need the funnel but you need to follow all the rest. In addition to the above video you can also use the information in this one to help solve your issue.

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