
22re toyota pickup. problems under load.

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  • #488987

    Hey guys. I recently found a problem with my truck. it is a 94 Toyota pickup 22re. it runs great at idle and when smoothly accelerating but one I give it wide open throttle it seems to bog down and not give me any power. The truck runs great except for when It hits higher RPMs when its under load or over half throttle. I pride myself on keeping this truck running great and this one has got me confused. I was thinking it could possibly be the Mass airflow Sensor? or maybe a fuel pump? also I recently did cap rotor wires and plugs so I don’t think its an ignition problem.
    P.S. Eric, I love your videos, I appreciate what you are doing for us backyard mechanics!

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  • #488993
    college mancollege man

      try this link. 😉 have you tried replacing the fuel filter?
      is the check engine light on?


      Good link. I was thinking that it might be a bad AFM. And no, I have not tried replacing the fuel filter, that’s probably a good place to start because not so long ago, when I would start the truck, sometimes it would have to crank over a lot more in order to catch fuel and fire :S although it hasn’t done that in a while.

      college mancollege man

        have you tried pulling any stored codes even if the check
        engine light is not on?


        oh and no the check engine light is not on, well, except for a cleared darned code 71 EGR code that I cant get rid of but that’s a whole nother story :pinch:

        college mancollege man

          try cleaning the maf first.


          ok so I sprayed the MAF with some carb cleaner but no difference. And that fuel filter looks impossible to get to!

          college mancollege man

            did you do the trouble shooting for the maf? seeing there is a
            code 71 for the egr.If the diagnostic test checks out for the
            maf.Then I would suggest we turn are attention on the egr.code 71
            which can cause drive ability issues.


            I’ve yet to do the MAF readings. the 71 code has been around for a while but has never made the truck run any different, and it only comes on when i’m on the freeway for a while.i usually clear the code because im not on the freeway very much and the light bugs the hell out of me. But I’ve searched and searched for what it can be and all I’ve found is that the EGR temp sensor is built up with carbon or that you need a new EGR valve. I’ve replaced the EGR and I’ve removed the carbon deposits from the sensor. I also read it could be buildup in the EGR passage ways but ive yet to figure out a way to clean those out. The CEL never comes on while driving in the city, only on the freeway. but I’m not so sure these two problems are related because it ran fine before. and I just recently noticed it loosing power and sounding bad under loads.

            college mancollege man

              keep us posted with the MAF diagnoses. we can further trouble
              shoot the code 71. 🙂


              ok will do. do you think it could be a leaky head gasket? I doubt it but, what do you think?

              college mancollege man

                I don’t believe its a head gasket. oil look milky?
                loosing coolant? You just did the plugs.did they look
                normal or rusty?


                the plugs seemed normal, oil is normal. tested resistance on the maf. the reading were within spec, although one of them kept jumping around? I might have just had a bad connection with the ohmmeter. ill suppose ill try again tomorrow when I have some light to work with. today while driving, I tried to make it do its “thing” again so I could see what happens. I brought the revs up, then gave it full throttle, this time I noticed that It was missing and I heard a slight popping? it sounded like it was coming out of the air box near the maf. maybe timing is off?? bad coil? >but it runs fine at slow driving. I have NO IDEA! >___<


                MAF is fine. Had more trouble starting it last night. had to crank for a while to get it to fire. I am going to do fuel pump and filter. wish me luck.

                college mancollege man

                  try the filter first.

                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                    Based on your description and given that you’ve renewed the ignition system you might want to check the fuel pressure. If the fuel pressure is low or if there’s a problem with the fuel pressure regulator it will run lean under load and cause the problems you’re experiencing. It’s worth a look anyway. Also, did you replace that fuel filter?

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