
2010 Mustang GT

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge What Are You Working On? 2010 Mustang GT

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  • #439751

      I had an interesting case today… 2010 Mustang GT with 15000 miles that this guy bought an SCT engine programmer and had managed to completely delete the engine calibration file and then to top it off had the PATS system locked with no keys in memory.
      Really? I didn’t know these things would let the average Joe Six Pack into these files! Sure enough when I plugged in the IDS and ran FMP it said the PCM was blank. Once I got the cal file loaded I had to reprogram the keys to PATS and then she came back to life… The guy didn’t make it out of our drive before plugging the SCT back in and changing some tunes.
      The guy said that he called ford and they told him about 800 to fix with maybe a new PCM but definitely the warranty is void. I told him to call them back and tell them you were using a key that your wife had copied but didn’t have a transponder in it so they would erase all the files in the system. He called me back and said they bought it hook line and sinker!!!

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    • Author
    • #439752

        LOL!! Too funny!


          Thus the reason if I ever choose to turn my car, I’m going to drive to SCT’s location in flordia! I know the PATS has saved some cars from being stolen, but it can be a pain programing keys.

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