
2009 Galant feels out of control

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 2009 Galant feels out of control

  • Creator
  • #475988
    Jessup GrahamJessup Graham

      Driving the interstate the back end of the car started fish tailing. The tires look good in fact they are new 2 months ago. I am going to take car back to shop that put tires on to check every thing out. I want more info about sway bars, suspension, and all that would cause this problem. The car has 60,000 miles on it. I have done rear brakes and rotors and found nothing unusual. But I like to have more knowledge on the subject bef ore some shop blows smoke were it dont belong. I have worked on heavy equipment for 18 years but suspension is not high on that type of equipment. So any help would be great. Thanks

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    • Author
    • #475994
      college mancollege man

        On dry pavement and going straight the car fish tailed?
        check your tire pressure. see if its correct.what type of
        tires are they?

        Roy FrenchRoy French

          Did you look for broken components? Did you jack up each wheel and wiggle it, to check for play? Have you bounced off a curb or something lately? Even a small amount of toe out can make a car feel really unstable. (especially in the rain or snow)


            Did you replace all 4 tires or just 2? Did you have an alignment check after the new tires were installed?

            If you just replaced the 2, they should be placed on the rear if its a FWD vehicle.

            What speeds does the vehicle start to fish-tail?

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