
2007 subaru timing belt

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  • #589421

      I’m seeing if anyone has any tips on replacing the timing belt on a 2.5 litre Turbo engine. I’ve changed many timing chains/belts but not a Subaru yet. I know I’ll get it done and I have alldata and know what I need to do. I’m in between shops right now and I don’t have access to master techs for their knowledge and short cuts. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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    • #589423

        If you’ve already seen ETCG’s video on his old subaru, then I’d have a gander at:

        This guy:

        as he’s awesome as well… Some good tips in there, although with the turbo, likely not all will apply.

        This one you should be particularly interested in:

        Lorrin BarthLorrin Barth

          Yeah, lots of Youtube videos on Subaru timing belts. I don’t know how many miles are on your vehicle but the takeaway from these videos is don’t go cheap if over 90K. Replace all the pulleys and the little sprocket at the bottom. The little sprocket, I’m told, is the first to go. Also, I suggest replacement of the water pump and the tensioner.

          Also, in the videos there’s the occasional mention of replacement of certain other updated parts.

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            I’ll throw this in just for good measure. It’s not the best video, but there may be some tips in there that might be helpful.

            Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.

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