
2005 Subaru Forester xt

  • Creator
  • #895629
    Dan UtleyDan Utley

      Took Subaru in for repair ( windshield washer didn’t work and cruise control stopped working, cc light flashing and check engine light came on) they had to remove the intake manifold to replace a brittle hose that cracked during work. They also replaced several other old hoses at my request while the manifold was off (car has 150 K miles). Washer works but cruise still does not. My biggest concern is that
      There are now two additional problems which I noticed immediately after picking up car. It takes about 8 seconds of cranking to start the car. Doesn’t matter if it is cold or hot. Also power steering fluid is foaming up and spilling over. Help! Not sure I want to take it back to the same shop

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    • #895636
      college mancollege man

        Two choices here. Stop by the shop that did the work and tell them of the problems your having since the work
        was done. See what they say? #2 Bring the car to another shop for the problems you are experiencing. If the power
        steering fluid is foaming it sounds like your sucking air which will cause this condition.

        Billy AndrewsBilly

          Re PS fluid, CM is correct – you’re sucking air. This is very common on EJ255s in the winter. The most common reason, and the easiest to fix, is the O-ring between the suction hose fitting and the pump. The part number is 34439FG000, it’s like $3 at the dealership. A 10mm wrench will remove the fitting from the pump. Pop it out, replace the O-ring, and you should be fine.
          If that doesn’t do it, you could be looking at a cracked suction hose, but that usually causes fluid leakage, not air suction.

          Re CC not working, do you still have a CEL? Subarus shut down CC when you have an active code. Pull codes.

          Re slow starts, keep in mind that EJ255s are very sensitive to vacuum leaks and the shop may not have gotten them all. Step 1 is to pull your fuel trims. You can do this with pretty much any scanner with live data, but for your car I highly recommend the OBDLink MX Bluetooth dongle and the BtSsm android app.

          Michael SacksteinMichael Sackstein

            Cruise control is a separate module that was likely removed when they took the intake manifold off. It’s possible they broke something during disassembly and didn’t tell you about it. As for the power steering, you probably just have air in the system and it needs to be bled out. I would take it back and complain if I were you.

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