
2004 Nissan Sentra loosing coolent in overflow tnk

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 2004 Nissan Sentra loosing coolent in overflow tnk

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  • #667953
    Andrew PhillipsAndrew Phillips

      Sounds like a leaky hose clamp. Not so much to cause a visible leak, but just enough to weep when under pressure. Look to see if there is any corrosion or residue built up around the hose clamps that might indicate some leakage. Also examine the heater hoses as well. Sometimes they will develop leaky blisters and go unnoticed. Those types of conditions would explain the pressure test results. I wouldn’t be quick to jump to head gasket if you aren’t having other symptoms such as steam from the exhaust pipe, overheating, or performance issues. As for the overflow tank, that could indicate a bad cap or cap gasket.

      Do you smell the coolant smell inside the cabin? If so, it could be a tiny pinhole in the heater core. The passenger footwell may also be moist with heater core leaks.

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    • #667981

        I checked around under the hood again after I saw your post. there is a few hose clamps that have a small bit of corrosion built up around the ends of the clamps. I also looked for any white residue around and found very small amounts. It could possibly be road salt.. I’m not sure.
        here are a few photos I took today.

        There is some traces of water because I had just ran some water under the hood to clean up a lot of the loose dirt. I live off dirt roads so it’s pretty dirty everywhere.

        I also checked the passenger side and there is no smell of anti freeze on the floor, nor any damp spots.
        I do very occasionally get the smell on the inside. it’s usually mild and is probably from the windows being down, but I am not 100 percent on that as I haven’t paid attention to it that closely before.
        I only get steam from the exhast when it’s first fired up, and only very briefly. (I am assuming it’s just condensation. I c an’t say I have ever smelled it before so I can’t say if it’s sweet smelling)

        thanks again


          It’s possible the leak could be in an area where it’s dripping onto the hot exhaust somewhere, causing it to evaporate and not leave evidence of the liquid. Having the coolant cooked off like this could intensify the antifreeze aroma, which might explain why you’re smelling it in the car.

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