
2004 Impala ABS Failures

  • Creator
  • #549812
    Chris PeaceChris Peace

      Hey guys,

      I’ve got a few repairs that I need to do to my wife’s 2004 Impala, one of the most important (because winter is on the way) is getting her ABS system up and running again.

      About a year ago the ABS Light came on and we now have a prompt that says “Service Traction System”. When we would be turning sharply after pulling out of the parking lot the ABS would engage momentarily.

      Since I know that if the ABS fails that the brakes just become normal brakes I haven’t paid it much mind.

      So today I decided to see if I could find the problem. I went to Autozone and had them pull the codes. They said that their scanner could read ABS codes but that I could get multiple codes for a single problem, so I’m coming to you guys with the codes to see if maybe you can help me figure out the issue.

      C1216 = Electrical, brake control module
      C1222 = RF Sensor input
      C1226 = RF Excessive Speed Sensor
      C1228 = RR Excessive Wheel Speed Sensor
      C1233 = RF Speed Sensor
      C1235 = RR Speed Sensor
      C1245 = Low Tire Pressure (I think I’d know what that one is)

      Anyway, It seems to me that these codes kinda break up into two groups. C1222, C1226, C1228, C1233, C1235 seem to simply be telling me that my sensors are toast and need to be replaced.

      HOWEVER, should I start with the senors or start with the C1216 Break Control Module? Could that module be causing the failures in the sensors?

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    • Author
    • #549816
      Kevin CriswellKevin Criswell

        Start with an in-depth visual inspection the the right front wheel. Check the tone ring, make sure it is positioned correctly and not loose than check the sensor air gap (very important) and the wiring all the way to the module.

        More often than not most of the time ABS wheel speed sensor issues are damage from being so close to a rotating assembly and so close to the ground.

        Later tonight I will fire up Alldata and look up any tests you can do with a multimeter in case your visual inspection does not turn up the problem.

        ” When we would be turning sharply after pulling out of the parking lot the ABS would engage momentarily.”
        this is why I think it is a wiring issue, turning sharply could make the wiring break contact and make the computer assume that wheel has locked up and engage the ABS system.

        Shaun FlichelShaun Flichel

          I don’t have much experience in ABS. but have you checked the fuse?


            Raistian77 Has some good points. GM did have some wiring issues especially with the front ABS sensors and wiring. Those sensors should be held by a clip where they plug in to the harness. Oftentimes if the clip is not in place the sensor wiring will rub on the CV axle joint until they rub through and ground out. Due to the bending back and forth when turning as well as the tugging on the wires they tend to break.

            There are specific tools and equipment to test the sensors but a volt/ohm meter should help. Carefully cut the tape on the harnesses and peal back the loom covering and lightly tug on the wires while holding on the the connector. Sometimes the wire breaks inside of the insulation and by tugging on the wires will cause the wire to pull apart if there is a break.

            Measure the resistance of the ABS sensors in question and compare the reading with the others without fault codes. If different than the good ones you will need to replace the sensors, erase the fault codes and drive the car to see if anything else sets a fault code.

            I believe the sensors are integral with the wheel bearings on your Impala.

            Kevin CriswellKevin Criswell

              I hope this might help, if they dont show up tell me and I will see if I can convert them to image files

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                The forum is all over this one. Especially inspecting the RF and RR wheels. As to your question about the control module, what I do in those situations is reset everything and check to see what codes come back. If it’s a control unit problem, it often comes right back. If it doesn’t and you get other codes instead, then it might have been falsely set.

                Keep us posted on your progress.

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