
2004 honda accord power steering replacment

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Repair Central-The ‘How To’ Forum 2004 honda accord power steering replacment

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  • #439074

      i just replace a power steering pump in this honda not to bad tools needed are a 12 mm wrench a 10 mm wrench a 18 mm socket and rachet to remove the pulley a belt tensioner tool pliers for the spring clips power steering fluid for honda’s rags and some carb clean or brake clean if you want to clean up your mess at the end. all you have to do is remove the belt then remove the 2 10mm bolts on the top of the pump thats your high pressure line then remove the 1 10mm bolt from the low pressure line then its just 2 12mm bolt that holds the pump on installation is in reverse add your fluid to the cold line bleed the system by turning the wheel lock to lock several times until the groan goes away then fill fluid to the hot level if nessesary then your done took me about an hour all said and done.

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    • #439075

        Just heads up on newer Honda’s 2007+ , if you get a whine on cold starts or when turning wheel when cold it very well could be a bad O-ring on pump inlet connection . very cheap and 5 min job, easy access only 1 bolt on inlet tube to remove .
        So worth a shot if you have the whine before replacing whole PS pump .

        This affects both 2.4L and 3.5L V6 , the symptoms are along with noise at cold starts is air bubbles in the reservoir tank cause by the O-ring letting in air .



          Thanks for the posts guys! Very good info!


            Just to add what EdKiefer said regarding the o-ring replacement in the inlet line to power steering pump. This fixed the whine at my ps pump during cold weather start-up for my 2005 Accord V6 as well.


              Yes, i knew it affected gen7 accords but wasn’t sure how far back without looking it up, parts wise .


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