
2000 Chevy Impala Running Hot

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 2000 Chevy Impala Running Hot

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  • #503986

      So here goes, I have a 2000 chevy impala, 3.4L. Ive replaced the Temp sensor, Radiator and cap, thermostat, and cooling fan relays. Yet my vehicle still seems to run on the hot side, when I sit at an idle after driving for about 20 minutes it will cross over the midway line, it never used to do this normally it would stay somwhere around the first “1/4” mark on my temp gauge, ANY IDEAS would be greatly appreciated. Also i have a pretty much brand new water pump in it.

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    • #503988

        Your cooling system is now brand new. So my idea is the throttle still engage when you are at idle. You engine run whit an higher RPM then usual. In the 200 you might have a mechanical steel wire tootle. Make sure these hare well oil. Because If there are not, your throttle can still slitly engage when you are idle an cause an temperature increase.

        Second tough, make sure your radiator fan is working properly whiteout noise and still working when your engine increase his temperature at idle.


          Here are some things you can consider.

          1) Pressure Testing the coolant system.

          2) Also review this video.


            As well you need to bleed the coolant system. If you have air trapped in the engine head, your engine are going to be hotter too.

            college mancollege man

              are the cooling fans coming on? try bleeding the cooling

              Oscar LopezOscar Lopez

                You might have some air trapped in the system, as others suggested.

                Are you loosing any coolant? The water pump could also be bad, there is a bleed hole at the front of it, behind the pulley. You’ll need to remove the pulley and get under the car or use a mirror and a light to take a look at it. If it’s OK, the next thing I would think is a bad lower intake manifold or head gasket.

                3.4 engines are known for cooling system problems, specially lower intake manifold gaskets. You’ll need to have your cooling system pressure tested or if the gaskets haven’t been replaced, it would be a good time to just go ahead and do it…



                  Another thing you can do is to check each of the components of the cooling system. One by one.

                  Check the following for anything unusual.

                  Water Pump

                  Hoses for leaks/ loose clamps etc

                  Radiator – Is it clogged up

                  Radiator Cap – Is it keeping the right pressure

                  Fans – Do the fans work ?

                  Just about anything that is associated with the system.


                    The Water pump is fine, NEW Radiator and cap, NEW Relays, New coolant, NEW thermostat. Also the system has been bled and the intake manifold gaskets have been replaced with the new felpro steel gaskets instead of those dumb rubber plastic ones. I am going to try and pressure test the system and bleed it again and see if anything new shows up.


                      It’s should work, I hope, to reduce your heat engine.

                      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                        It sounds like you have it covered. It may be that your new radiator doesn’t dissipate heat as well as your old one. Not uncommon for some aftermarket parts. Keep us posted.


                        Where is the gauge zeroing out at at ignition off? I was driving our 2005 Impala back a few moths ago and saw it was running hot so turned full heat on till i could pull over and then noticed the cooling fans hadnt cycled. sure enough as soon as I switched the car off the gauge didnt zero like it should. Now the gauge says it runs real hot all the time (pegged out). Stepermotor failure is common in 2000-2007 gm cars. (I think the cutoff date is 07, dont quote me on that) My dads truck did the same thing when we where pulling our boat. turned heat on (in the middle of the summer) relized that the cooling fans never cycled and coninued on our way. Trust me nether times were they actually over heating.

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