
1999 Honda Accord !!

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  • #483961
    haelein kimhaelein kim

      Hi everyone ! I have a issue here trying to figure out what is the wrong my car. so here we go ! While im standing on red light at head lights well pretty much all the lights in the car goes dim ( like they dont go all black out and they will dim for like 1/2 sec and come back ) and also rpm goes down little when that happens..if i stand long enough it will do that 4-5 times in one stop. why do thay do that ? And I have 1999 honda accord EX 4door 4 cyl. Thank you.

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    • Author
    • #485695

        Sounds like a weak battery. Does the car start normally or it is slow to start?

        haelein kimhaelein kim

          Battery is new and I double the power of the battery when I got em. Asked my friend about it. He told me it mite be the water is going in to the engine from the gas tank water vapor created and goes in to the engine. Is that even possible ? and so I fill the gas full all the time and still does the same thing. not in the morning but after engine is warmed up like ran 20 miles or so I stop to get something and start the car. The RPM goes down very low almost the point where engine will almost stops and it kicks back up to normal RPM. say RPM should be at 8000 when I start the car it goes up to like 13000 and goes down to 2000 range. and I have replaced spark plugs and wires too. I dont know what is wrong with my car !! Plz help !!


            You may still want to check the voltage on your battery. If I’m not mistaken, a weak alternator will create more strain on your battery.

            [quote=”LHOH7I” post=42480]Battery is new and I double the power of the battery when I got em. [/quote]

            What exactly is this suppose to mean?


              [quote=”LHOH7I” post=42480] not in the morning but after engine is warmed up like ran 20 miles or so I stop to get something and start the car. The RPM goes down very low almost the point where engine will almost stops and it kicks back up to normal RPM. say RPM should be at 8000 when I start the car it goes up to like 13000 and goes down to 2000 range.[/quote]

              So you’re saying it has a fluctuating idle when it’s warmed up. Afraid your rpm ranges are being exaggerated by 10 there. As already asked, not sure what doubling power means, unless you hooked the old battery up as well (which is a bad idea btw). View the stickied threads in this section for honda’s idle issues. Condensation in the gas tank does happen, but will usually either cause a no-start, or just some stumbling until it’s gone, which should not be any real length of time and wouldn’t happen only at idle.


              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                To me it sounds like an idle issue. I’d address the idle first. If the alternator is not spinning fast enough it won’t be able to produce enough power to run the vehicle especially at night when the headlights are on.

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