the return line is wet from the oil cooler leaking on it.
Should i have put plumbers tape on the pressure hose connections?
i know i know where are the jack stands… cant afford them yet im going to buy as many tools as i can this summer. i love cars and im constantly breaking cheap tools. im going to start buying lifetime warranties and putting the receipts in my safe
i know, soon enough. i havent had a vehicle fall yet ive been using jacks by them selves for almost ten years now. i know its not very safe but the parts need to be put on, it comes down to buying parts / tools or paying bills. im going to start getting 3 times as much money in my checks in a few weeks ill be able to afford all kinds of tools soon enough
got the new one on and not enough sunlight to mount it yet, but the good news is it doesnt leak anymore.L:D ill finish it tomorow at some point between working on my dads car and my car