
1998 Honda Accord upper radiator hose drawn in 126K

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 1998 Honda Accord upper radiator hose drawn in 126K

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  • #895146

    My car is not overheating, overflow tank is on the mark. With the engine cold, I noticed the upper radiator hose is drawn in a bit – about halfway in. If I remove the radiator cap I can hear it suck in and the hose returns to normal shape. The fluid is low maybe half a cup. I have noticed this twice maybe a week apart when I regularly check under the hood. Please advise?



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  • Author
  • #895147
    Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

      Might check your radiator cap.


      I replaced the radiator cap today – I’ll keep an eye on the hose. Could you explain how the cap can cause the issue I am having?



      Billy AndrewsBilly

        First – did you get an OEM cap? Aftermarket caps can cause problems.
        The cap lets coolant and air out as the system heats up, and draws coolant back in as the system cools. If it does not let coolant back in as the system cools, you can get a relative vacuum that might collapse the hose.


        I did not get a OEM cap – whatever AutoZone had – checked hose today not sucked in – I’ll keep an eye on it



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