
1998 Honda Accord unique problem

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  • #844311

      I just picked up a 1998 Honda Accord 4 cyl Auto. It will crank and try and catch but just die. When I give it LOTS of gas(pedal to the floor) it starts (albeit begrudgingly), idles well, and runs just fine. It will do this regardless of weather and external or internal temperature. I have only tried cleaning the throttle body. To no avail. I am very mechanically inclined but am not great at diagnosing. Can anyone point me in the right direction??

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    • #844319

        Any check engine lights / codes??

        Check for fuel pressure issue by turning the key on and then off again several times before attempting to crank the engine. If it starts better then probably a fuel pressure related issue.

        Could also be mechanical timing but check the fuel first.


          No cel. No codes. Just finally got a chance to turn the key on and off a few times. It had zero effect on it.


            i could be wrong here, and somebody please correct me if i am, but pedal to the floor usually puts a vehicle in “flood mode” meaning that no more fuel is actually added to the cylinder. i believe this was built in for safety, something pertaining to starting a car in drive or something. ECTG mentioned it once, i think in a compression check video.

            if it runs and idles fine, i would guess that one of the three elements is lacking somewhere. but you say the only thing that starts is is flooring it while cranking?

            Im also guessing that there is no misfire considering that it runs well.

            i would reset the ECM via pulling fuses, then start at the basics, check plugs, and wires- this will tell you that spark is getting to the cylinder properly.( as a side note, make sure the plug wires seat properly, had a mis for a while because i went with cheap wires that just dident seat)

            then i would look at fuel, especially because this is the only factor that you say changes, and makes it want to start.
            run a fuel pressure test with and without vacuum at the fuel pressure regulator, and reference the numbers to a manual/service specs.

            hope this helps.


              Well I finally found the problem and not surprisingly it was the ignition switch. Replaced it and BAM! Starts every time.

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                Thanks for the update. I was going there.

                It’s a common problem with Honda’s of that vintage. BTW, this information could have been found on the FAQ page here.


                Thanks for the updates and for using the ETCG forum.

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