
1998 dodge avenger problem need help.

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 1998 dodge avenger problem need help.

  • Creator
  • #894642
    Rene Letendre

    Hello, so i have a 1998 dodge avenger 2.5l v6 with the automatic transmission. So the problems i’m having with this vehicle are, first it starts fine when cold, but after it gets warmed up and sits for about 10 minutes or so i have to crank the engine over at least 3 times before it starts again, also stalls if i slam on the brakes hard. 2nd problem is when i hold the accelerator pedal down at 2,000 rpms the engine starts to have a random misfire code triggered, it also triggers randomly while driving. it does shift fine through all the gears, also at idle the cars rpms bounces from around 800 to 700 constantly. Things i have done already. I did a compression and leak down test, all cylinders where at around 150 psi 1 or 2 pounds off nothing dramatic. I replaced the distributor, spark plugs, plug wires, iac valve, throttle body, throttle position sensor, crank position sensor, throttle body gasket, new oem injectors, new fuel pump, new original oem exaust system cats and all with new 02 sensors and gaskets, i also replaced the cars computer with a refurbished one. timing belt, tensioners and water pump.I also checked for vacuum leaks and didn’t find any. So not too sure what could be causing the weird idle and random misfires and stalling when slamming on the brakes? any help would greatly be appreciated.

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  • Author
  • #894643

    How did you check for vacuum leaks? Have you tested the brake booster for leaks? What are your fuel trims at idle, 2500, and 4000 RPM?

    Rene Letendre

    I used a smoke machine into the brake booster line going into the intake manifold. And i will check again on the fuel trims, but when i last checked them a couple of months ago i believe it was within spec according to my manual, but will update those again in the morning. I have not tested the brake booster for leaks as well. Will do that in morning as well and will update asap. Thanks again.

    Rene Letendre

    Sorry for the late reply work got ahead of me, the fuel trims for long term at idle is 0.0 and 0.0 and short terms are at -19.2 and -18.5 not able to check at different rpm ranges as my obd scanner only works at idle.

    Rene Letendre

    Ended up figuring it out. When i did the timing belt the back cam spun a little too far and timing was off by 2 teeth.

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