
1995 chev 1500 tbi with ob1.runs

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 1995 chev 1500 tbi with ob1.runs

  • Creator
  • #625104
    walter valewalter vale

      run great when cold after it warms up no throttle response when kicked down won’t rev over 2000rpm if you lift your foot up engine will speed up some what but still no tbi .sensor. new catalytic conv.good fuel pressure map sensor.even changed iac control and cleaned.checked all vac-um lines and or repaired them.changed temp sending unit.I’m missing something stupid

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    • Author
    • #625114
      college mancollege man

        check ignition timing with a timing light. also check the distributor rotor and
        shaft for play.

        walter valewalter vale

          timing atdc no bearing play and no tracing inside cap

          college mancollege man

            You may want to put a fuel gauge on it while driving. Tape it
            to the windshield. The truck runs better cold because when cold
            the engine runs richer which makes me think fuel related. It could
            also be the fuel pressure regulator.5.7 engine?

            walter valewalter vale

              Did all that fuel press 6 to18 psi timing on tdc new map sensor tbi new cat and exhaust new temp sersor tried setting timing old school( vacume gauge 20hg )still wouldn’t pull a sick buzzered off a shit wagon ass soon as it warms up

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                Perhaps it’s not an engine performance problem but a transmission problem you’re dealing with. Does it rev in neutral? If so, you might want to look to the transmission for a possible issue. More info on that here.


                Also, do you have any check engine light codes? If so those might be an important clue as to what’s going on.

                Good luck and keep us posted.


                  clogged or sticking egr valve or clogged passage.

                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                    [quote=”nallarano” post=110594]clogged or sticking egr valve or clogged passage.[/quote]

                    This is not likely as the EGR should only be active under load. It may cause a misfire, but not a performance problem like this.

                    Thanks for your input.

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