
1991 mitsubishi 3000 gt vr4 heat issues

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 1991 mitsubishi 3000 gt vr4 heat issues

  • Creator
  • #572005
    Derek OldingDerek Olding

      my name is derek and i drive a 1991 mitsubishi 3000 gt vr4 with 59000 miles on it… im having an issue with the heat only blowing warm air at or above 2000 rpm… anything less is cold air…any ideas??? also when engine is cold if i open rad cap and start engine… coolant immediately foams out of rad…. i dont have coolant in oil or oil in coolant… car doesnt use oil or ever loses coolant…any ideas? thanks…

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    • Author
    • #623156
      Stephen BowenStephen Bowen

        [quote=”bumpn6″ post=113116]what i did to solve the problem was take off radiator cap on a cold engine…. then start the car and bring up to normal op temp….. next i turned heat to max temp and fan speed to off and filled radiator while holding throttle to around 2000 rpm….ran car for about 10 mins this way and kept adding coolant when needed….. heat is working nice last i checked and coolant level is staying consistent[/quote]

        Oddly enough that’s how I bleed out cooling systems. Nothing sucks like getting back splash with steaming coolant) Sounds like a whole bunch of air pockets just trying to bung up the works. Same issue with our Beetle. That was a nightmare to bleed out.

        Glad you got it worked out!


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