You literally just turn the key on-off-on-off-on, not to the start position, but to the run position. Then be ready to count the flashes of the check engine light. If I remember right, 5-5, meant the start of the cycle, and then you got the codes, then 5-5 flashed again, meaning the end of the codes. Double check me via google. I could be thinking of GM.
Rereading my post, I see how it could be confusing. The check engine light will flash five times in a row, then a pause, then five times again. Then, it will flash another number of times, and pause, then another number. Example: It flashes 5 times, pauses, 5 times, pauses, that’s a 55, which is the normal start of the cycle. Then it might flash eight times, pause, and flash seven times. That’s a code 87. They will all be two digit codes. Once it flashes 55 again, it’s run it’s course, and will repeat.
http://www.extreme-check-engine-light-c … ecoder.htm
There ya go man, even better. I was wrong about the 55. It flashes at the end of the cycle. If it’s the only flashes you get, it means no codes are stored.