
1991 Cadillac – Car starts, doesn’t move. CV Axle?

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 1991 Cadillac – Car starts, doesn’t move. CV Axle?

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  • #550474

      My car has been out of commission for a few weeks now and I’ve been frustrated trying to figure out the problem. It has an automatic transmission. Initially I was hearing a low humming noise that increased in volume as I would speed up. The noise would go away while making right turns. Eventually my car began to lose the ability to go into certain gears. I noticed one day when I had started my car while parked on an uphill driveway, it was very difficult to put the car into reverse and when I finally did there was a loud clunk and jerk. After this I had lost some functionality with my reverse gear. It would only go into reverse on certain occasions. It gradually got worse until one day I could only get the car to move forward by switching it into 1st gear and then back to drive. Well now the car will not move at all. I can start the car and switch between gears, but when in reverse and drive the RPMs will go down when switching from park or neutral. The car acts as if it is in park no matter what gear it is in except for neutral, meaning the car will rock back and forth but the wheels will not turn. I originally started troubleshooting by checking my fluid levels, color and smell. The fluid was not low and the fluid was red and sweet smelling. Clean. I’ve eventually arrived at a possibility of a CV Axle being broken, mostly because the idea of having the transmission repaired is more costly than what I paid for the car. I was wondering if there was any way to be sure that it is a CV axle before I actually go to the parts store and buy a new one, or if anyone can tell that the transmission is bad from my description. Any help would be great. I’ve watched Eric’s video for front drive axle replacement and I’m pretty confident I can do it. I’m thinking maybe the splines on the inboard end of the axle are worn out.

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    • #570939

        Haven’t really worked on my car for awhile as I have discovered the benefits of bicycling, however I had recently taken a further interest in all things mechanical and have come to the conclusion that my parking pawl is most likely faulty, due to me never using the parking brake when parked on an incline. I feel so stupid, but I guess living in Florida where there aren’t many hills, nobody ever taught me the importance of parking brakes and automatic transmissions. I’m getting ready to scrap the car but I figured maybe I’d try to force the car to move forward and maybe disengage the pawl. Dunno what else to try. Fingers crossed.

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