
07 Sorento buzzing/grinding noise on cold start

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 07 Sorento buzzing/grinding noise on cold start

  • Creator
  • #866851
    Junior PattersonJunior Patterson

      Hi All,
      I have a 2007 Kia Sorento CRDI 2.5 turbo SUV (165000 miles on it) Automatic
      Problem is, when I start after the car has been sitting for a couple hours and the engine is cold, I get a buzzing/grinding noise. It lasts for about two to three minutes, until the car is warmed up. Doesn’t happen again until the engine is cold.
      I removed the drive belt and started for a short while to see if it was any of the pulleys, but the noise was still there.
      Used a long screwdriver to try and pinpoint the noise, seems to be coming from around the automatic belt tensioner area.
      Can a worn tensioner buzz/rattle due to engine vibration even though the belt isn’t on it?
      Don’t wanna just start throwing parts at it and hope it solves the issue.
      Any help/advice on this would be appreciated. See video links.
      Thanks Guys B)

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    • Author
    • #866853

        how are your motor mounts??? seams your engine is shaking alot after then engine is running


          Have you checked your radiator fan? Kinda sounds like something rubbing on a fan to me. To me it has a very electric motor type noise.

          Junior PattersonJunior Patterson


            Checked them both, mounts are good and the fan isn’t touching. Any other ideas?
            Just hoping its nothing serious. The SUV runs great

            Junior PattersonJunior Patterson

              Removed the drive belt and started it. The noise was still there. Checked all the pulleys. No noise. The fan is attached to the water pump pully. Not sure what else to look at.


                Holy crap, what’s up with the weird wavy optical effect in the first video? Didn’t know if should stop drinking or have another one.

                Does this SUV have hydraulic engine mounts? In the second video, the engine does this bizarre side-to-side slow shuffle which doesn’t seem connected to idle speed/firing impulses. Just watch the tip of the yellow dipstick handle. Haven’t seen that kind of thing before.

                You claim the Kia runs great, my impression is that the engine sounds like a small diesel at idle. Far louder with a lot more knock and clatter than I was expecting. Maybe that’s how Kias are, or maybe the engine is in need of some attention.

                My advice would be to ignore the slight buzzing for now and check to see if your engine’s scheduled maintenance is up to date. Perhaps it’s in need of a timing belt replacement and other maintenance.

                EDIT: Think I have the wavy first video sorted out. The camera was sitting on the car and being affected by the weird rhythmic pulsing you can see in the second video. The pulse timing seems to be the same. Whatever is causing that shuffle, I wouldn’t consider it normal. No engineer would want a drivetrain to squirm around like that.

                As for the buzzing, maybe a pinhole exhaust leak that seals up with temperature, maybe at the turbo?

                Junior PattersonJunior Patterson

                  Lol. Yeah recorded it from my phone. Had it on the battery. Yes on the diesel. The newer models are more quiet. Will get the turbo and timing chain looked at.

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