
06 Acura TL whining Need A Master Mech Honda/Acura

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  • #631559

      I have an 06 Acura TL AT that makes a whining noise above 45 mph. I have been hunting down this problem for a couple months and really need advice as to what direction to go. Things I have tried or observed
      -The noise starts at around 45mph and is a whining noise that seems to come from the right(passenger side of the vehicle)
      -The noise only presents itself when moving and not in neutral or when power-braking. It is not the radio as I always turn it off. The noise is not related to movement of the steering wheel

      Parts that have been replaced:(it was a used car, so not all of this pertains)
      Passenger side CV joint
      Intermediate shaft
      Acc belt Tensioner
      New belt
      3×3 atf drain and fill

      New Timing Belt Job by a reputable shop
      New tires (recently mounted and balanced, whine existed before tires)

      Things Ive checked are the wheel bearings and the operation of the axles on a lift, everything seems ok, maybe a little wobble in both axles, but unsure what is considered normal. The other day I got up to that speed and put the car in neutral and was coasting and the noise immediately subsided.

      I am really unsure which direction to go forward in and would really appreciate any replies, especially if you work on hondas/acuras for a living.

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    • Author
    • #631732
      college mancollege man

        If it happens under load and stops when you let off the gas
        its in your transmission.

        george gonzalezgeorge gonzalez

          Whining is often due to a bad wheel bearing, although they tend to whine all the time the car is moving. CV joints are more of a clunk-clunk. Whining can also come from the differential, especially if it’s only while under load and not when in neutral and moving.

          Bad wheel bearings usually you can spot just by listening carefully while spinning the wheel. Although sometimes they only whine or growl while under load and at speed. It should turn perfectly smoothly with no rumble or ticking or hesitation. If you don’t have the time to change it right now, often putting a hypodermic needle onto your grease gun and pumping in four strokes of the grease gun in through the bearing seal may quiet it down for a few months. This also works for alternator bearings.

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