
05 Nissan Frontier 4.0 low oil pressure

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 05 Nissan Frontier 4.0 low oil pressure

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  • #960353
    Heath StoneHeath Stone

      At idle the oil pressure gauge drops to zero and when the engine is hot the oil light comes on and after a few minutes of idling the engine overheats. I replaced the oil pressure switch a couple years ago. I don’t hear any whining noises to indicate a worn timing chain tensioner. Has anyone else has the same experience? Is this an oil pump issue?

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    • Author
    • #960472
      Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

        Engine overheats … that’s not a good sign.
        Suggest you hook up a mechanical oil pressure gauge and see exactly what the pressure is.
        Could be a bad oil pump or blockage in the pickup tube.

        Jeff KelleyJeff Kelley

          I agree with Richard Kirshy. Eric the Car Guy demonstrated how to use a mechanical oil pressure gauge in his recent video concerning a power steering problem. If you do need to replace the oil pump, I hope the following video will be useful:


            It is usually the pump so it is worth checking and replacing if it has been acting up.

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