Hmm, first thought is you have been drinking too much from that beer glass that is your avatar.
Theoretically there should not be any connection between the gas tank level and the shifting. But let’s think “outside of the box”:
* Long ago I had a VW Rabbit that had been in an accident and got a little bit bent. Not enough to make it drive funny, but the engine mounts were a bit off, so the manual shifter was a bit balky. Now a full gas tank *might* just cause the suspension to compress a *teensy* bit more and make a minor difference in the way the engine sits, and therefore may make a small change in the shifter position.
* Similarly a full tank will push down the rear, which can twist the exhaust system a little bit, which if you’re really unlucky could be binding against the shift linkages.
All very tenuous possibilities, but they could happen. But more likely, you’re a nice troll or are mistaken as to the connection between low fuel and poor shifting.
Coincidence, perhaps.