
01-07 caravan steering noise

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here 01-07 caravan steering noise

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  • #480591

      I started getting a noise upon start up in my 05 Grand caravan with a 3.3L V6 engine with roughly 170,000 miles on it. I have been doing lots of research and I have found that there is a screen in the power steering reservoir that gets clogged which starves the pump from fluid. By the sounds of it there isn’t a way to properly unclog the screen so the only way to fix this is to replace the old reservoir with a new one. So I will be flushing all the old fluid out of the system and replacing the reservoir in the very near future. I noticed that no one else has has posted about this issue before on the forum so I figured I’d let everyone know what I’ve found. I will let you all know when I service the system. Perhaps I’ll make a video too!

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    • #480614
      college mancollege man

        Great. You can’t beat a good video.keep us posted.:)

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          A video would be fantastic. Keep us posted.


            Got part way through the job and hit my self in the head because I didn’t even think to make a video. But on any note the I got the new reservoir on and new fluid in and the noise has gone away. It took a little while for the air to get worked out but everything is fine now. I am going to make a video in the near future though of all the other weird noises I’m hearing that I can’t diagnose. All i know is that it has to do with the steering and or suspension but I can’t for the life of me find what’s causing the noise. Plus a humming noise between 30 and 55mph. New front wheel bearings so I’m wondering if the rears are gone too.

            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

              Thanks for the update. Perhaps this video will help with your other noises.


                I’m pretty sure that I found the issue. I was suspecting the sway bar bushings on the van and Eric’s recent video on his sway bar bushing replacement just confirmed my suspicions. He was having the same basic sounds I was so I decided to inspect them. I grabbed the sway bar and pulled it towards me and there’s a lot of movement. I have the bushings but I’m not going to do the job til it’s a little warmer out as I work on it out side.

                EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                  Yea those things can make a heck of a racket. Keep us posted on how the job goes for you.

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