Home › Forums › Stay Dirty Lounge › Service and Repair Questions Answered Here › 2005 dodge neon ssx 2.0 4 cyclinder oil pan plug bolt rounde › 2005 dodge neon ssx 2.0 4 cyclinder oil pan plug bolt rounded off and stuck in oil pan
March 30, 2012 at 11:00 am
Honestly, if there’s still oil in the car, you may want to take it to a shop that can weld a nut onto the end of the drain plug bolt and just remove it for you, unless you have welding equipment yourself. I’m not a fan of using a die grinder etc, because it seems like the chances to dig into the pan or threads are fairly high. I’ve also done oil changes on cars that had helicoils installed in the pan, and they didn’t seal very well. Just throwing another option at ya. Good luck.